
John W. Huemoeller II

Chief Executive Officer, President

Complete understanding of financial markets, investment banking, capital raising, management, legal, accounting, SEC rules and filings and board management.  Analytical, with [20+] years of experience providing leadership and direction to employees.  Highly effective sales executive with [20+] years of experience selling a broad array of products to a wide variety of customers.

CEO – Axim Biotechnologies – San Diego, CA August 2019 to Present.

Responsible for all aspects of strategies for acquisitions and divestitures of an SEC fully reporting Company. Oversaw R & D of Covid-19 neutralizing antibody test. Responsible for acquisition of  2 FDA cleared medical devices. Raised over $10MM through various offerings and handled public relations and legal.

CEO – Propell Technologies – Houston, TX February 2015 to August 2019.

Fully reporting public company which acquired Plasma Pulse oil and gas technology from Russia and brought to market in US raising over $5MM. Brought in customers (Chevron, Occidental Petroleum and over 60 independent O&G companies. Redeveloped technology to US standards.

Investment Banker – Aspenwood Capital & Buckmann Buckmann & Reed – Denver, CO January 2013 to February 2016.

Vetted deal flow, brought in deals. Dealt with company management and investors. Completed numerous financings and took companies public. Raised tens of millions of dollars. John has held Series 3, 7, 24, 63 and 79 Securities Licenses, was registered with various state insurance boards, the Chicago Board of Trade as a commodities broker, and worked for various broker-dealers throughout his career including Smith Barney, Drexel Burnham, Prudential Securities, and Paine Webber. Mr. Huemoeller is co-author of several issued U.S. Patents.

Steven T. Wolf


Steve Wolf is a founding member and Managing Director of Extiel Holdings, LLC, and President of Land And Natural Resource Development, Inc. (LNRD) an Alabama-based oil and gas company formed in 1987. LNRD drills and operates wells in the Paleozoics of the Black Warrior Basin in central Alabama and Mississippi, and the Cretaceous and Jurassic targets of the Salt Basin of southern Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida and Alabama. With LNRD he initiated and developed a $400 million coalbed methane project, which became a recognized field with over 500 wells. He has developed, funded, and managed the successful execution of $20-$50 million drilling and secondary recovery programs. Steve was a co-founder of Petrosakh U.S.A., which initiated development of a field on Sakhalin Island that became a 100-million-barrel field. In 2009, LNRD supervised the design, engineering, fabrication, construction, and commissioning of two gas processing plants in Kazakhstan. Early in his career he developed exploration Joint Ventures for the Eastern Exploration Region of ARCO Exploration Company. He earned a BBA in Accounting with honors and a JD Law both from the University of Texas, Austin.

Michael O’Brien

Operations Executive VP

Michael O’Brien is a founder, Director and Executive Vice President of Extiel Holdings, LLC. Michael is also founder and President of Stranded Gas Services, Inc (SGS), formed in 2008 to develop technologies to monetize economically stranded gas that is currently capped or flared. Michael has executed hundreds of projects including fifty involving natural gas, associated gas, biogas, landfill gas, and synthesis gas streams resulting in the beneficial use of stranded resources. In 2009 through 2011, SGS participated in the project management, process design, engineering, fabrication, construction, and commissioning of two gas processing plants in Kazakhstan that recovered wasted flare gas for beneficial use. In 1995, Mr. O’Brien founded and served as President of South Coast Clean Air, Inc. (SCCA), a company dedicated to developing environmental compliance strategies for a wide variety of manufacturing processes. Michael’s experience includes senior technical and business positions for GE Energy, NATCO Group, and Wheelabrator. He has authored and presented numerous technical papers at industry conferences focused on gas conditioning and environmental compliance. Michael holds a BS in Natural Gas Engineering from Texas A&M

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